Exceptional Lives provides free information for families who have children with disabilities on how to access services and resources, and explains processes in a way that is easy to follow and understand. Exceptional Lives is an independent not-for-profit organization.
Find disability information in Louisiana for your child at:
504 Plans & IEP
- What are 504 Plans?
- What is an IEP?
- What is the difference between a 504 Plan and IEP?
- How do I get an IEP or 504 Plan?
- Modifications v. Accommodations
What are 504 Plans?
What is an IEP?
What is the difference between a 504 Plan and IEP?
How do I get an IEP or 504 Plan?
Modifications v. Accommodations
Language / Interpretation Services: LSU Health Shreveport provides free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as qualified sign language interpreters. LSU Health Shreveport provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as qualified interpreters. Click to read the full document with languages provided. If you need these services, contact LSU Health Shreveport at (318) 813-2970.