Providing the latest information in addressing the needs of our children.
Seeking an assessment early can provide clarity and guide you toward appropriate interventions. Early intervention can significantly improve your child's ability to manage symptoms, succeed academically, and develop healthy social relationships.
Red River Radio - LSUHS Allied Health professionals join the discussion on Health Matters regarding autism awareness and what to do if your child isn't meeting developmental milestones.
As a parent, noticing that your child struggles in school can be concerning. Learning disabilities (LD) are neurological disorders that can affect a child's ability to read, write, speak, or do math. Here’s a concise guide to help you navigate this situation.
318 Forum - Your view of the world will help to shape the lens through which your child views the world. Cultivating optimistic thinking can be achieved by confronting negative self-talk and replacing it with positive self-talk.
Noticing developmental differences in your child can be concerning. If you are concerned about your child’s development, the enclosed tips may guide you through the process of seeking help.
Forum News - Dr. Adam Blancher, Clinical Psychologist for LSUHS Child and Family Services, shares information on cleft and lip palate treatments and their impact on child development.
Red River Radio - Health Matters Episode - Dr. Michelle Yetman and Tryphena Jenkins with LSUHS Children’s Center share tips on back-to-school readiness, including sleep schedules, anxiety, study habits and more.
318 Forum - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has long been stigmatized, however, many unique strengths and abilities often go unnoticed amidst the challenges.
318 Forum - April is Autism Awareness Month and Dr. Michelle Yetman of the LSUHS Children's Center shares the benefits of early intervention for individuals living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Lola Magazine - Dr. Michelle Yetman, Associate Professor in the Children's Center, shares how screen use during infancy and early childhood has been associated with negative developmental outcomes.
April is national Autism Awareness and Acceptance month. One of the keys to supporting a child with autism is Early Intervention. Dr. Michelle Yetman, Clinical Psychologist with the LSUHS Children's Center shares the benefits of early intervention.
Lola Magazine - Dr. Michelle Yetman, LSUHS Children's Center Clinical Psychologist, shares, "As we continue a season of gratitude this year, be sure to model your gratitude by sharing thanks for the people and things that bring joy to your life."
318 Forum - Michelle Yetman, PhD, LSUHS Associate Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, shares parenting strategies for raising a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
KSLA12 - Dr. Michelle Yetman, LSUHS clinical psychologist states, it is important for caregivers to recognize the impact that caregiving can have on their mental and emotional well-being and to seek support and resources to manage the stresses.
318 Forum - Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can face many unique challenges as they grow, and wandering is one of the scariest behaviors these families experience, shares Dr. Michelle Yetman, LSUHS Children's Center.