Choose a Career in Allied Health.

Our School of Allied Health Professions admissions and recruitment processes pursues diverse cohorts of students in each program to enhance the learning experiences of all of our students and foster an open and welcoming environment that promotes inclusion, respect, and compassion. Graduates from our academic programs readily find employment upon graduation and their first-time licensure pass rates are at an all-time high.

Our school is comprised of ten academic programs, three post-professional residency programs for physical therapists who hold a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree, and a doctoral internship program in health service psychology. The school also serves as an off-campus instructional site for the School of Nursing at LSU Health New Orleans hosting three academic nursing programs. All educational programs of the School have been approved by the appropriate State agencies and are fully accredited by the appropriate nationally recognized credentialing bodies.

The faculty and staff at the School of Allied Health Professions provide outpatient care at three clinics: the Children’s Center which provides developmental and psychological testing and treatment for children with autism and other learning disabilities, and the Mollie E. Webb Speech and Hearing Center and Rehabilitation Clinic which provide occupational, physical, and speech-language therapy. Referrals to the services come from LSU Health Shreveport faculty physicians as well as other sources in the community.

17 programs
340+ students
3 Clinics

Undergraduate Programs

The School of Allied Health Professions at LSU Health Shreveport offers undergraduate programs include Bachelor of Science degrees in Cardiopulmonary Science, Cardiovascular Technology, Medical Laboratory Science, and a BSN in Nursing.

Graduate Programs

The School of Allied Health Professions at LSU Health Shreveport offers degrees in Nursing (MS - Nurse Educator), Physician Assistant (MPAS), Public Health (MPH), Speech-Language Pathology (MCD), Occupational Therapy (OTD), Physical Therapy (DPT), and Rehabilitation Science (PhD).

Post-Professional Programs

The School of Allied Health Professions at LSU Health Shreveport offers three Physical Therapy Residencies and a Clinical Psychology Internship (Doctoral Internship in Health Service Psychology).


Through the School’s accredited academic programs, faculty and students are actively involved in research and service. Research in the School of Allied Health Professions is multi-disciplinary and incorporates faculty and students from the Schools of Medicine and Graduate Studies.

Student Life

As part of the School of Allied Health Professions family, we invite you to GET CONNECTED with your classmates, interdisciplinary with other programs, and with the Shreveport community. Our goal is to make your transition to the LSUHS Family and surrounding community as seamless as possible.


The faculty and staff at the School of Allied Health Professions provide outpatient care at three clinics: the Children’s Center, the Mollie E. Webb Speech and Hearing Center and the Rehabilitation Clinic.


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